Ms.Maria DiCoccio
Proudhurst Mental Health Home
231 Bright Field Avenue
18March 2018
Dear Dr.Dicaccio,
Re:Ms.Bethany Tailor,aged35
Ms Bethany Tailor will be discharged back to appartment today.She requires follow up care at proudhurst mental health clinic.
On 01 March 2018Ms.Bethay Tailor self admitted to the hospital due to decompensated schizophrenia and poly substance abuse,non compliance with medications,
she was experiencing significant thought disturbances, including thought block and latency was experienced,as well as, delusion were noted,also experiencing auditory and visual hallucinations were noticed.she was commenced on antipsychotic medication risperidone.On 10March paused up reporting auditory and visual hallucination.
Ms Tailor lives alone,who is on disability pension,she has history of hypertension and also hypothyroidism on levothyroxine 88mcg daily; in addition to that,she has history polysubstance abuse, mainly cocaine and alcohol.
Based on assessment significant progress has been noted.Ensuring medication compliance is recommended, assessment is required for objective signs and symptoms of psychosis,redirecting from delusion is advised also required assistance regarding behavioural control.
On discharge risperidone 4gm advised to take at night orally, in addition to,if any agitation noticed then take risperidone 1mg twice daily are when required.Also she follow up visit at proudhurst mental health clinic.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
St Mary's Public Hospital
32 Fredrick street
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