Mrs Adison
Community Nurse Team Leader
Broomfield Community Hospital
Craven Road
7 August 2021
Dear Mrs Madison
Re:Mrs Margarat Adam,D.O.B:8 May 1945
I am writing to transfer Mrs Margarat Adam who underwent left total hip replacement ,requires 2 weeks home visits for continuous management and care after being discharged today.
Mrs Adam is a widow, no any close relative nearby but has a very supportive friend in the same compound as her neighbour.she has a past history of macular degeneration,osteoporosis and fall.
Mrs Adam presents on 21/7/2021 with fractured left hip acetabulum which was confirmed after x-ray.during hospitalization surgery was done successfully,post operative care and drugs were served accordingly. although physiotherapy was initiated 2 times a day for mobility but exercises regularly,also she use frame to walk.2 days after surgery slight swelling around the hip region was noticed,tab paracetamol was given and was taught on self administering of deltaparin under supervision.
Further more Mrs Margarat was progressing well and she start activities of daily living,she can walk few steps and stairs with stick.
She is to continue with her regular drugs ,Alendronic acid,calcium and vitamin D and paracetamol for pain when necessary.
It would be greatly appreciated if you visits her and assist with activities of daily living,monitor for swelling and encourage her on exercise.
NB stop deltaparin 0n 17/8/2021 and she should follow up next 4 weeks for wound redressing and antiembolism stockings.
Yours sincerely
Registered Nurse