Community Child Health Service
1 Southgate Ave
Victoria, 3006
25 July 2019
Re:Akira Annaisha, aged 5 years
Dear Sir/Madam,
Iam writing to request follow up for vaccination program for Akira Annaisha, 5-year-old and her siblings Emika Yamato, 2-year-old, member of an immigrant family from Japan. Akira was admitted to hospital on 15 July for the treatment of acute meningioenchephalitis following mums. She has recovered well and going to be discharge today.
Akira and her family belongs from Japan, migrant to Australia in April 2019. Her father Hoshi Hikaru works temporarily in boots factory as a shift worker and her mother Eri Emoki is a housewife, family stays at rental accommodation. In addition, her family has no doctor due to delayed in the process of migration. Simultaneously, parents have difficulty in understanding English. So, Mr hikare attending English classess at night.
The family lost the children's vaccination record which they had at birth and also parents not aware about the MMR vaccine for mums.
Upon discharge of Akira, she got fully recovered from mums and meningioenchephalitis. It would be greatly appreciated if you could monitor her and advice to parents about the vaccination for both children. Simultaneously, monitor for the compliance on vaccination schedule. Please note that, Akira needs neurological checkup per month for upto 3 months.
If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your's faithfully
Registered Nurse
Children's Emergency Department