Dr.Caewlin Jones
68 Riverside Clinic
23 August 2019
Dear Dr Jones
Re: Mr. Craig Hemsworth, aged: 52 years
Mr. Hemsworth, was diagnosed with episodes of tonic clonic seizure, requires follow up consultations after his discharge today.
On 23 August 2019, he suddenly fainted, unconscious, breathing stopped for 20 seconds and was rushed to emergency unit. His wife reported jerking movements of arms and legs which then recovered after 2 minutes. On examination he had bleeding in tongue, bruises in extremities while his vitals looked normal.
Consecutively, CT was done and the results showed sub dural hematoma of right occipital region and epileptic variant in EEG but blood investigation looked normal. He was given Injection.Manitol 20 mg IV BD in ICU and injection Phenytoin 20 mg IV BD prescribed for seizure along with antihypertensive medication. As a result, his condition improved and was shifted to ward. He and wife were advised to monitor for reoccurrence.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could monitor his condition and review for follow up and review anti-convulsant therapy for any changes after two weeks of discharge.
Kindly contact for further details.
Yours sincerely,
Ward Nurse
Kings Hospital.