The Duty Register
Emergency Pediatric unit
Brisbane General Hospital
140 Grand Road
Kelvin Grove
QLD , 4222
14 October 2010
Dear register
Re : Amina Erica
I am writing this letter to refer Amina Erica , who has been diagnosed with menengococcal meningitis and needs an urgent admission in your emergency paediatric unit for further investigation and management .
High greade of fever runny nose, mild cough , loss of appetite was observed on examination . Also, paracetamol was not effective to control the fever.
History of viral infection , lethergic ,two episodes of vomiting , worse headache were reported by her parents .
The count of WBC was 18000 in addition to that temperature 40.2c ,pulse 110/ min , macular popular rashes rest all over the legs and sever neck stiffness were marked.Injection penicillin stat dose iv given.
She has history of appendectomy 2 year ago and no allergies were reported .
Amina and her family are refuges from somalia and they have Australian citizenship, all of them understand english except her mother who has basic under standing of English .
Parents were very concerned and worried. Based on the above circumstances , immediate evaluation and treatment of ereicas conditions would be extremely beneficial .
Yours sincerely
Sr Jasmine
Kelvin grove medical center
53 goma road
Kelvin grove