Dr. Gievanni Dicoccio
General physician
Proudhurst Family practice
231 Brightfield Avenue
Product hurst
10 June 2021
Dear Dr. Dicoccio
Re: Ms. Bethany Tailor, aged 35
I am writing to update you regarding Ms. Tailor who was diagnosed with decompesated schizophrenka and she is being dishcharged today under your care.
Initially on 01/03/2018, she presented with complaints of audacity hallucinations, visual hallucination, delusion which she felt connection to different political leaders. However, she was agitated , aggressive and she responded to internal stimuli with thought blocking and latency. Therefore, a dose of Rispoderone was presribed. During hospitalization, her nursing managements were focused to assess for objectives signsof psycosis and redirect her from delusions. In addition, medical complaince and behaviour control were recheck in order to provide possible treatments. As a result, upon discharge, her health condition is good as well as her insight and judge. She was advised to continue similar medications. Incase of agitation or psychosis, she can take one milligram twice daily ripril done. A follow - up was also recommended. Now , she is able to do to her chronic mental illusions can be worse if she stop taking medications or abusing substances.
Your evaluation and care would be highly aporeciated.
If you hage any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your sincerely