Brunswick Family Care Clinic
44 Declare Street
Vic 3056
15 January 2011
Dear Sir /Madam,
Re: Mrs Mavis Brampton, aged 72
I am writing to refer Mrs Brampton, who is recovering from pleurisy, as she requires an ongoing care and further support from your service .She is being discharged today.
Mrs Brampton was admitted to the hospital on 10 January 2011 with the diagnosis of pleurisy . During hospitalization, she was commenced on intravenous fluid Amoxicillin along with oxygen supplement. Elevated vital signs where noticed. She had developed productive cough for which sputum culture was performed and treated with pravastatin 20 mg per day and Celecoxib 100 mg per day.
Mrs Brampton is widow for 25 years. She is the president of PROBUS in her area and active member of the committee. She is a heavy smoker, who smokes 10 cigarettes each day.
In view of the above details, Mrs Brampton was advised to quit smoking and to use Nicotine patches as well as Zyban 150 mg 2 times daily. It would be greatly appreciated if you could monitor her medication compliance.Please make sure that she discontinues Nicotine patch and Zyban once she quit smoking. Please note that Zyban should be withdrawn after 2 months. Her body mass index is 29 for which she is on low diary diet.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further queries.
Yours faithfully,
Nurse Northern Community Hospital
Moreland 3051