The Director
The Aged Care Assessment Team
Brisbane South Region
78 Masterson street
Acacia Ridge
Brisbane 4110
19 March 2012
Dear Sirl/Madam
Re: My Henry O'Keefe, DOB: 02 February 1925
I am writing this letter to inform about Mr O'keefe who requires ongoing assessment and management from your department.He undergone a surgery on 14 March for left shoulder malignant melanoma.
Mr O'keefe was discharged three days ago.He is on glucosamine and chondroitin as supplement and two Panadol trice daily for the pain.Currently, he has lac of balance due to increased arthritic pain in limbs.His wife reported about his memory loss since the surgery.Hence, the management of the house and the garden were troubled.
Mr. O'keefe is an aged pensioner, lives in the housing Commission Home with his wife Ms Dorothy.They have no children.
During the first home-visit, he was helped for showering and wound cleaning.The wound seems no signs a infection and healthy. However, the bathroom and kitchen were disordered and uncleaned. Neighbours has been helped with shopping as well as cooking .
Today, the situation was the same. Mr O' Keefe likes to rest most of the day. His wife became troubled due the circumstances. Unfortunately, my role would be ended untill the suture removal on 24th March.
Based on the aforementioned circumstances, further management and daily follow up of Mr O'keefe would be beneficial. Incase af any additional information, do not hesitate to contact me
Yours faithfully
Registered Nurse
Blue Skies Home Nursing Center.