The District Nurse
District Nursing Centre
Lake Park
22 March 2010
Dear district Nurse
Re: Mr Andrew O’Connor, aged 74
Mr Connor, who was presented with left CVA and right-side hemiplegia on 2 December 2009, needs continuing care at your facility following the discharge today.
Despite of giving intensive physiotherapy, slow progress is observed and still requires assistance with getting in and out of the bed, dressing and toileting and also has mood swing like anger, tearful, happiness. Improvement observed, in mobilizing himself with frame and feeding slowly. To move forward, nursing home placement was been advised but family members refused. Occupational therapy home assessment suggested, modifications to manage at home.
Mr Connor is a retired Baker lives with his wife Mrs Mary in three bed-roomed family home and 2 children who are married and do not live nearby. Prior to stroke fishing and golf were his recreational activities.
Upon discharge, the stipulated activities are to monitor coping at home while transferring in and out of the bed along with assisting grooming, hygiene needs after implementing hand rails in bed bath room, toilet along with ensuring medication compliance and to re-refer to hospital if necessary. Oversee wife’s to prevent recurrence of angina.
Based on the above circumstances, appropriate management would be extremely beneficial to improve Mr Connor’s health condition. In case any additional information required kindly do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully
Charge Nurse
North West Rehabilitation Centre.