Marie Perry
Family Medical Centre
All Medical Centre
Alfred Street
South Cottingham
13 August 2021
Dear Perry
Re: Mrs Alexandra Holme, D.O.B. 11/07/72
Thank you for seeing the aforementioned patient, whose pregnancy was confirmed. Suffering from painfull urination for last 3 days, requires antenatal assessment and appropriate management.
She has pregnancy of 8 week and had been pregnant for 4 times, 2 of them were miscarriages.
History of pre- eclampsia and caesarean section have been noted. As well as, inappropriate age has been observed.
Risk of thrombosis has been observed therefore, commenced on tinzaparine, 3500 units daily, subcutaneously.
Also shown suggestive sign and symptoms of urinary tract infection.
Recommended to commence on: folic acid, 400 micrograms, daily, carry on till 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Requirement of routine ante-natal blood test has been noticed. As well as, counselling of ante-natal screening as there is greater chance of down syndrome has been observed. Advised cefalexin, 250 milligrams, 6 hourly for atleast 5 days.
If you want to know anything else, please let me know
Yours' faithfully