The Dietician
Renal special care unit
10 September,2010
Dear Mr Maxwell ,
Re:Mrs Rachel Andrewson,aged 60 years
I am writing to refer Mrs Andrewson , who has a renal failure and underwent haemodialysis.She requires advice regarding renal diet and healthy diet menu from your service.
Mrs Andrewson was admitted to hospital on 03/09/2010 with the complaints of severe breathlessness, fatigue, giddiness,edema all over body and disorientation.she was taken for an emergency haemodialysis.she has been advised for fluid restriction of 1 litre per day, sodium and potassium restricted diet.Her food preferences are such as deep fried chips, sausages and egg.Due to her dietary habits weight loss was noted.Het intake and output has been maintained.It is important to note that she had known allergy to nuts, penicillin and seafoods.
Mrs Andrewson has had hypertension and diabetes for 12 and 5 years respectively for which she is on regular medications.she is divorced and lived in Mark Royal Nursing home since 2002.she had the habit of smoking and consuming alcohol.
Kindly advice her for pottasium , sodium restricted diet and fluid restriction of 1 litre per day.Please encourage her to take food rich in protein and prepare renal and simple healthy menus.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Your's sincerely ,
Charge Nurse
Renal special care unit