De Lacricell
Family General Physicion New town 2137
14 July 2018
Dens Dr Lacricell
Re: Mr Walter Petman, aged 69
I am refrsing Mr. Walter Petman, who has been diagnosed with orthostatic hypertension, requises, appropriate cardic assessment and management of hypertension under your facility.
on 1 July 2018, Mr. Petman was admitted with deep lacerated wound on his left arm due to an accidental cut injury, while he was using hand Saw for cutting a wood. Therefore Suturing, and dressing at wound site was performed. He was commenced with intravenous antibiotics. During hospitalization, mr Petman, has remarkable progres at wound site but elevation of blood pressure, 180/90, muilty insupine position was noticed. Hence, discharged and follow up appointment at Nurselead out Patient clinic was advised.
On 4 July 2018, Mr petman was presented to the clinic with Severe pain score as 8/10, on examination at wound sile mild hematoma, and elevated blood pressure 190/86 mmHg in supine position was noticed. Continuous monorting of dressing every other day, along with blood pressure was recommended.
Based on the afost mentioned circumstance, regular monitoring of blood Pressure and cardic assessment for hypertension would be profoundly beneficial for Mr petman current health condition. if you requires additional information, please do not hesitate to contact
Yours Sincerely,